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Alessandro Braga

Research Scholar in International Business


Ph.D. Accounting, Business Administration and Public Management, University of Siena (Italy), 2014;

M.A. Business Management, Catholic University of Sacred Heart (Italy), 2008;

B.A. Service Management, Catholic University of Sacred Heart (Italy), 2006


  • College of Business
  • International Business


Dr. Alessandro Braga joined the College of Business in September 2023 as a Research Associate at the Center for International Business. He was born in Italy and he earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Siena in 2014.  He is fluent in Italian and English and Spanish. 

Dr. Braga gained international experience from academic positions held in the U.K., the U.S., Italy, Denmark, and Peru. He has published different articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as Regional Studies, Public Money & Management, and Meditari Accountancy Research, among others. He also published book chapters on different topics with editors such as Oxford University Press, Emerald, and Routledge. He is an active reviewer for different international journals such as Small Business Economics, Journal of Knowledge Economy, Public Management Review, International Journal of Public Leadership, and Journal of Change Management, among others. He is also a member of different academic societies such as Scholar Strategy Network, International Academic Network Public and Political Leadership (PUPOL), and Southern Management Association.

His research applies a range of qualitative methods, and multi-disciplinary approaches with a strong international perspective. His current research interests include topics such as: 

  • Entrepreneurship and innovation at the regional level;
  • Place-based approaches to leadership and entrepreneurship;
  • Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship;
  • Public and social value;
  • Social innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • Sustainability in business.

Samples of his research can be found at: